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📂 Home
* arachnoid.com
📂 3D Printing
* 3D Printing for Builders
Anycubic Kobra Max: Be Careful
Platonic Solids I: Vertices and Edges
Platonic Solids II: Edges and Faces
📂 Administration
* Biography — Paul Lutus
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Master index — arachnoid.com (no DHTML)
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📂 Documentation
* Arachnophilia Documentation
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Arachnophilia FAQ
Arachnophilia Introduction
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Spell Checker
Tables and Lists
The Arachnophilia Macro Architecture
The Arachnophilia Right-Click Wizard
The Code Beautifier
The Java Custom Class Interface
Working with external programs
~ Acknowledgments
📂 Articles
* The Best and Worst College Majors
Book Reviews
Everything You Know is Wrong
Fire Your Stockbroker!
If I Were In Charge
Programming Handheld Calculators
Stocks and Stockbrokers
The Best and Worst College Majors (PDF)
The Idea Carnival
Was Thanos Right?
📂 * The Levels of Human Experience
* The Levels of Human Experience
2. Delta (δ): Feelings
3. Gamma (γ): Beliefs
4. Beta (β): Facts
5. Alpha (α): Ideas
6. Conclusion
📂 Boycott Microsoft
* Boycott Microsoft
Replies to "Boycott Microsoft"
📂 Symmetry
* The Symmetry Principle
2. The Details
3. Human Symmetry
4. Selected Replies to "The Symmetry Principle"
📂 C++ Tutorial
* C++ Tutorial
📂 2. Setup
1. Introduction
2. Setting up to compile C++ on Linux/Unix
3. Setting up to compile C++ on Windows
📂 3. First Program
1. A simple C++ program
2. A slightly more complex C++ program
3. Getting Organized
📂 4. Data Types and Handling
1. Introduction to Data Types and Operations
2. Basic Data Types
📂 5. Control Methods
1. What is Program Control?
2. More Control Examples
📂 6. Common Student Problems
1. Keyboard Input
2. Simple File Input
3. Output Formatting
4. Scope and Visibility
📂 Climbing
* Rope Climbing 101
Climbing (old version)
Quadcopter High Line Rigging
📂 Computer Graphics
* Blender Graphics: Lenses and Optics
3D Particle Box
3D Photosphere Viewer
AI Image Generation
Binocular Vision
Blender Distributed Network Rendering
Blender Graphics: Make a Planet
YouTube Ad Killer
📂 Adventures in Ray Tracing
00: Adventures in Ray Tracing
02: The Basics
03: The Process of Image Creation
04: Orientation in POV-space
05: A First Image
06: Some enhancements
07: Changes to the Interior of Objects
08: Constructive Solid Geometry
09: More about lenses
10: Animation
11: Anaglyphic 3D
12: Virtual Telescope I: Galilean
13: Virtual Telescope II: Cassegrain
97: Anaglyph Generator Perl Script
99: Full-Size Title Image
📂 Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Design
📂 Downloads
* A Note about Freeware
* AboutTime Home Page
* DataProspector
* NetworkControl
* New World Clock
* SignalGen Home Page
ArachnoCalc 1.5 Home Page
CuteButtons 2.4 Home Page
CuteTabs Home Page
EasyTerm Home Page
EasyTuner Home Page
FTPthing Home Page
File Processor Help
File Processor Home Page
Graph Tutor 2.0 Home Page
JavaCounter 4.8 Home Page
Notes for the Java / JavaScript Programs
PHP Script Pages
QuickWatch Check Format Converter
SlideProjector Home Page
Tides Home Page
Virtual Calculator
World Clock (old) v. 3.2
dbEdit Home Page
📂 * SiteGen Web Site Indexer
* SiteGen Home Page
SiteGen Perl script listing
SiteGen Ruby script listing
📂 Outline Browser
Outline Browser Home Page
Outline Browser Documentation/Support
📂 PHP Writer
* PHP Writer Home Page
PHP Writer Script Listing
📂 Drones
* A Virtual Bird
Creating Drone Images and Panoramas
Photosphere Gallery
Photosphere Viewer
📂 Editorial Opinion
* How to Help the Crooks
* On Believing
* The Right to Choose
* The Right to Choose (PDF)
Be nice or we'll blow you up
For Example ...
Networks Of Sleaze
Reader Feedback for the article "Artificial Womb"
Reader Feedback for the article "The Doubt Factory"
Reciprocal Linking
Selected Replies to "Transitions"
Social Narcissism
The Artificial Womb
The Narcissist Appreciation Society
When Does it Become Murder?
Why don't books have advertising?
Words and their Meanings
📂 Feedback
* Explanation
📂 Feedback-General
Feedback to The Anti-Spam Home Page
Media Studies
Miscellaneous Topics
On Evil
Reader Feedback to "What is Science?"
Reader responses to "Is Mathematics a Science?"
Reflections on Cosmology
Selected Replies to "When Does it Become Murder?"
Selected Replies to "The Physics of Dark Energy"
Selected Replies to the article "On Believing"
What Do You Have Against Women?
Where is my Data?
📂 Feedback-Psychology
An Insider's Perspective
Authority in Science
Autism is Real
Can Psychology Ever Become A Science?
Difficult Choices
Expertly Dysfunctional
How Does It Feel?
I know what science is!
Inappropriate Title
Mental Health and Evolution
Narcissism Revisited
Not Fair!
Psychology 101
Reader Feedback for "How to Raise the Asperger's Child"
Selected Replies to "A Society of Victims"
Social Narcissism Feedback
Yes, but ...
📂 Games
Word Game
📂 Ham Radio
IcomControl Home Page
IcomProgrammmer II
JRX: Virtual Ham Radio
Morse Code
RadioComm Home Page
Sangean ATS-909X
Simple 10 MHz Frequency Standard
Software-Defined Radios
Software-Defined Radios II
📂 Hardware
USB Power Issues
📂 Java
HDTV Test Pattern
JTides Home Page
📂 OpticalRayTracer
* OpticalRayTracer Home Page
OpticalRayTracer : Feedback
OpticalRayTracer Technical (older, archived)
OpticalRayTracer Technical Description
Snell's Law Calculator
📂 JavaScript
ASCII Character Set
Big Digital Clock
Browser Analyzer
FreeMap: The Map
Interactive JavaScript Programming
Number Base Conversions
📂 Linux
* Intel NUC
* Linux Base
Adventures in Networking
Bash Shell Programming in Linux
Consistent Network Device Naming
Dictionary access under Linux
Dictionary front end using PHP
How to Use Secure Shell
Installing Linux on a Dell XPS Laptop
Mobile Internet Access Using Linux
Notes and Fixes for Fedora 17
Router Programmer
Running Fedora Linux on Dell Laptops
Secure Shell Fun and Games
📂 Bash Script Beautifier
* Bash Script Beautifier (Ruby)
Bash Beautifier Listing
📂 Modelines
* Modeline Calculator
Modeline Ruby Program Listing
📂 NetworkManager
* Controlling NetworkManager
Ruby Listing: configure.rb
📂 Nokia
Hacking the Nokia N810
📂 Mathematics
* Consumer Loan Calculator
* Finance Calculator
* Trigonometric Relations
* Unit Conversions
Area of an Irregular Polygon
Binomial Probability
Coronavirus Math
Equities Myths
Introduction to Statistics
LaTeX Editor
Mandelbrot Set
Peak People
Polygon Calculator
Polynomial Regression Data Fit
Polynomial Regression Data Fit (Java version)
Quadratic Equation Solver
The Mathematics of Pi
The Mathematics of Population Increase
The Physics Behind Stopping a Car
Why PDF?
📂 * Applied Mathematics
* Sloped Bottom Tank
* Storage Tank Profiling
📂 * Storage Tank Modeling
* TankCalc
* TankFlow
* TankProfiler
Storage Container Mathematics
TankProfiler Case History
TankStepped Java Source Listing
Trapezoidal Storage Tanks
Trapezoidal Storage Tanks: Java Listing
User inquiries about TankCalc
Volumes In Depth
📂 * Calculus
* Introduction to Calculus
📂 * Old Calculus Primer
* Old Calculus Primer
02. A Moving Experience
03. Derivation
04. Integration
05. Volume 1
06. Volume 2
07. Differential Equations
08. Terminal Velocity
09. Nature's Math
10. Tools
📂 * Is Mathematics a Science?
Is Mathematics a Science?
📂 * Maxima
* Symbolic Mathematics Using Maxima
01. Acquiring, Installing and Testing
02. First Examples
03. Files and Functions
04. Creating Sets of Functions
05. Differential Equations
06. Fourier Analysis
07. A TeX Clipboard Daemon
08. Conclusion
09. TeX Clipboard Daemon Ruby Listing
📂 * Sage
* Exploring Mathematics with Sage
02. Installation and Testing
03. Learning Sage
04. Trapezoidal Storage Tanks
05. Cylindrical Storage Tanks
06. Differential Equations
07. Future Value
08. Tuned Circuits
09. Fourier Methods
10. Polynomial Regression
11. Terminal Velocity
📂 Graphinity
Graphinity Online
📂 Prime Numbers
Prime Numbers
📂 Randomness
* Randomness as Meaning
Equities Market Simulation Listing (C++)
📂 Signal Processing
* Signal Processing Workshop
2. The Discrete Fourier Transform
3. The Fast Fourier Transform
📂 Media
* Alaska Images
* World Sail
Online Slide Sets
Teleprompter Online
📂 Did Earth's life originate on Mars?
* Did Earth's Life Originate on Mars?
02. Mars
03. Did Earth's Life Originate on Mars?
04. Meteorite Time Sequence
05. Evidence for Mars Origin
06. Objections to NASA Thesis
07. Steps to Improve Evidence
08. Evidence for Past Water on Mars
09. Alternatives to Photosynthesis (1)
10. Alternatives to Photosynthesis (2)
11. Alternatives to Photosynthesis (3)
12. Speculation: Did Earth's Life Come From Mars?
13. Distant Stars, Distant Planets
14. How We Detect Planets
15. The Case for Extraterrestrial Life
16. A Lunar Lake of Frozen Water
17. Current Mars Missions
18. What next?
19. Hubble Image
📂 Science
* Science
02. The Human Brain!
03. Beavis' Brain has three parts -
04. The Reptilian Brain
05. The Mammalian Brain
06. The Neocortex
07. Thinking Styles: a 'Good' Thought
08. Thinking Styles: a 'Bad' Thought
09. An Irresistible Offer
10. A Public Proposal
11. Presenting A New Idea
12. What Science is not about:
13. What Science is about:
14. An Example of Science
15. An Example of Science
16. Gifts (1)
17. Gifts (2)
📂 The Idea Marketplace
* The Idea Marketplace
02. The Idea Marketplace
03. Idea Producers
04. Properties of Producers
05. Idea Distributors
06. Properties of Distributors
07. Idea Consumers
08. PPT Slide
09. Fact:
10. Idea:
11. Principles of Idea Production
12. Principles of Idea Distribution
13. Principles of Idea Consumption
14. Question:
15. Fact Solution: Recite an old verse
16. Fact Solution Pros & Cons
17. Idea Solution: 1. List known facts
18. Idea Solution: 2. Simplify and adjust
19. Idea Solution Pros & Cons
20. Question:
21. Fact Solution: Consult authority
22. Fact Solution Pros & Cons
23. Idea Solution: Think it Through
24. Idea Solution: Compare Results
25. Idea Solution Pros & Cons
26. Question:
27. Fact Solution: Consult authority
28. Idea Solution: Think it out
29. Question:
30. Fact Solution: Consult authority
31. Idea Solution: Think it out
32. Idea Solution: Think it out
33. Question:
34. Question:
35. Question:
36. Unsolved Problems for the 21st Century
37. Unsolved Problems for the 21st Century
📂 Messages
Message Page
📂 Miscellaneous
My Favorite Websites
My Favorite Websites (no DHTML)
Personal Biography
Library Database
MySQL Tutorial 1: Overview, Tables, Queries
MySQL Tutorial 2: Views and Joins
MySQL Tutorial 3: Triggers and Automation
MySQL Tutorial 4: Relational Databases
MySQL Tutorial 5: SQL Examples
📂 Natural Resources
* Lake Mead Water Levels
Lake Havasu Water Levels
Lake Mojave Water Levels
Lake Powell Water Levels
📂 Older Articles
* Consumer Angst
* How we confuse symbols and things
* Interview with an Extraterrestrial
Computer Art
Computer math
Creative Problem-Solving
Did Earth's Life Originate on Mars?
Don't call us — we'll call you
Dynamic Linking Libraries
How to Buy a Computer
Interview with an Extraterrestrial — Printable
The Constancy of its Affections
The Internet Free Zone Home Page
The Magic Looking Glass
Why are computers so hard to use?
📂 Orbital Modeling
* Tracking the James Webb Space Telescope
Section 1. Computing Gravity
Section 2. Programming/Language Issues
Section 3. JWST Lagrange Orbit Analysis
📂 Planetary Science
* Restoring Mars
Mars Photosphere
Restoring Mars : Feedback
📂 Programming Resources
* General FAQ
* HTML for the Conceptually Challenged
* Home Page Builder 2.0
* The CareWare Idea
Electric Duet
Excel 7.0 Spreadsheets
Home Assistant / Insteon Rescue
Home Page Builder 2.0 — Help
I Dumped Insteon
JavaScript Signal Generator / Spectrum Analyzer
Perl / CGI Scripts, C++ Programs
Regular Expression Laboratory
Speak & Search
Speech to Text
TCP/IP Utilities Version 2.0
Where did my files go?
📂 Anti-Spam
* The Anti-Spam Home Page
The Old Anti-Spam Home Page (archived)
📂 Home Automation
* Home Automation
2. Installation
3. Programming Controls Directly
4. Managing a System Controller
5. X-10 Translation
6. Web Page Interface
7. Web Page Generator PHP Script Listing
📂 Phase-locked loops
* Understanding Phase-Locked Loops
📂 Psychology
* Psychology and Neuroscience
* Psychology and Neuroscience (PDF)
A Society of Victims
Asperger's By Proxy
Asperger's By Proxy (PDF)
Asperger's By Proxy : Feedback
Building Science
Building Science : Feedback
Children of Narcissus: Feedback
How to Raise the Asperger's Child
Is Psychology a Science?
Is Psychology a Science? : Feedback
No Theory, No Science
On Being Perfect
Psychology and Neuroscience : Feedback
Reddit: Psychology is a science!
Science of Mind
Science of Mind: Feedback
The Myth of Mental Illness
The Myth of Mental Illness: Feedback
The Scientific Paradigm
The Scientific Paradigm : Feedback
The Trouble with Psychology
The Trouble with Psychology : Feedback
📂 Children of Narcissus
* Children of Narcissus
02. Baseline
03. Narcissism
04. Authority
05. Media Portrayals
07. Equities Market Simulation Listing (C++)
📂 Python
* Introduction to Jupyter
* Python
Bash Script Beautifier (Python)
GnuCash Utilities
📂 IPython
* IPython: Math Processor
2: Installation
3: Getting Started
4: Equation Processing
5: Equation Solving
6: Normal Distribution
7: Differential Equations
8: Fourier Transforms
9: Tips & Tricks
📂 Raspberry Pi
* Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Remote Control
Wireshark Follies
📂 Ruby
* Encountering Ruby
Creating Music Playlists with Ruby
Round Table Corners using Graphics
📂 CSS Corners
Listing: create_round_corner_css.rb
Round Container Corners using Pure CSS
📂 GPS Activities
* The GPSMap Project
Ruby GarminReadWrite Script Listing
Ruby KmlConvert Script Listing
📂 Graphinity
Graphinity: Graphing in Depth
Ruby Graphinity Script Listing
📂 Modeling Gravity with Ruby
* Modeling Gravity with Ruby
Listing: gravity.rb
Listing: numerical_solution.rb
📂 Programming Icom Radios
IcomProgrammer Ruby listing
Programming Icom Radios
📂 Ruby Graphical User Interface
Listing: aboutdialog.ui
Listing: aboutdialog_ui.rb
Listing: regexp_tester.rb
Listing: regexp_tester.ui
Listing: regexp_tester_ui.rb
Listing: sampledialog.rb
Listing: sampledialog.ui
Listing: sampledialog_ui.rb
Ruby Howto: Graphical User Interface
📂 Ruby Script Beautifier
* Ruby Script Beautifier
Ruby Beautifier Script Listing
📂 SearchReplaceGlobal
Listing: searchreplaceglobal.rb
📂 Sailing
* Confessions of a Long-Distance Sailor
* Eclectic Navigation
Celestial Navigation
My Sailing Odyssey
Sailing Introduction
Sailing Pictures
The Boat-on-a-rock Problem
📂 Alaska 2002
* Alaska 2002
2. The Boat
3. Kayaking and Photography
4. Bears
5. Winds and Currents
6. Ice
📂 Alaska 2003
* Alaska 2003
02. The Boat
03. Bear Versus Bear
04. Bear Versus Fish
05. Ice
06. Whales, Birds, Critters
07. Olga Bay, Tides in Bays, Mathematics
08. Tourism
09. Rescue!
10. Hiking Notes
11. Conclusion
📂 Alaska 2004
* Alaska 2004
02. Bear I: Family
03. Bear II: Bear Angst
04. The Face in the Rock
05. Aurora
06. Nature as Product
07. Whale Day
08. A Foreign Land
09. Walking on the Land
10. Epilogue
11. Hiking Field Notes
📂 Alaska 2005
* Alaska 2005
02. On the Noses of Bears
03. Bear Footwear
04. Bear Etiquette
05. Three Pleasant Hikes
06. Adventures among the birds
07. Air and Water
08. Boat Issues
📂 Alaska 2006
* Alaska 2006
02. Ice Physics
03. Bears and Tourists
04. A Pleasant Hike
05. How to Avoid Exercise
06. In the Company of Bears
📂 Alaska 2007
* Alaska 2007
02. Sex Among the Bears I
03. Sex Among the Bears II
04. Crazy Tourists
05. Survival Suit Race
06. Collision!
07. Favorites
📂 Alaska 2008
* Alaska 2008
02. Walking on a Glacier
03. Whale Photography
04. Salt to Fresh Water Kayaking
05. Hallo Bay/Ninagiak Island
06. Rescue!
07. The Bear Follies
08. Tent Camping
09. Stupidity
📂 Alaska 2009
* Alaska 2009
02. Onion Bay Hike
03. Coghill River Hike
04. Bear Dating
05. Rescue!
06. Aground
07. Breakdowns and Repairs
08. Technical Notes: Inverter/Charger Project
📂 Alaska 2010
* Alaska 2010
02. Amook Island
03. Rescuing a Big Boat
04. Boat Decay
05. Flying Tourists
06. Ancient Village Site
📂 Alaska 2011
* Alaska 2011
02. The Perfect Kayak Outing
03. Swept Away
04. Coghill Lake Paddle
05. Picture Gallery
06. Generator Blues
07. Electronic Navigation
📂 Alaska 2012
* Alaska 2012
02. Lituya Bay
03. Bear Follies
04. Larsen Bay
05. Cute Animals
06. Microscope
07. Electrolysis
08. Interesting Pictures
📂 Alaska 2013
* Alaska 2013
1. The Incredible Shrinking Glacier
2. The Lovers
3. Tides and Currents in Channels and Bays
📂 Alaska 2014
* Alaska 2014
1. Impeller Pump Blues
2. Olga Bay
3. Cabin Bay
4. Boat Journeys
📂 Alaska 2015
* Alaska 2015
1. Aerial Photospheres
2. Long Island
3. Geographic Harbor
4. Onion Bay
5. Cabin Bay
6. Granite Bay
📂 Alaska 2016
* Alaska 2016
1. Coghill Lake
2. Bainbridge Island
3. Granite Bay
4. Naked Island / Cabin Bay
📂 Alaska 2017
* Alaska 2017
1. Bainbridge Island
2. The Incredible Shrinking Glacier
3. Lituya Bay
4. Camping Out
📂 Alaska 2018
* Alaska 2018
01. The Day of Seven Bears
02. Two Rescues
03. An Easy Electronic Repair Method
📂 Confessions of a Long-Distance Sailor
/ Confessions Online
01: Chapter 1 — Introduction, San Juan Islands
02: Chapter 2 — Oregon to Hawaii
03: Chapter 3 — Hawaii to Marquesas
04: Chapter 4 — Marquesas to Tuamotus and Tahiti
05: Chapter 5 — Tahiti to Darwin
06: Chapter 6 — Darwin to Sri Lanka
07: Chapter 7 — Sri Lanka to Tel Aviv
08: Chapter 8 — Tel Aviv to The Caribbean
09: Chapter 9 — The Caribbean to Oregon
10: Epilogue
11: Glossary of Nautical Terms
📂 Science
* Eclipse 2017
* Evolution
* The Doubt Factory
* Why Science Needs Theories
Are You Overweight?
Orbital Dynamics
Physics / Conservation of Energy
Physics / Relativity
Reader Feedback for the article "Evolution"
Science Litmus Test
Unicode Character Search
📂 * Answers
* Answers
📂 * Dark Energy
* The Physics of Dark Energy
01. Differential Equations
02. Classical Cosmology
03. Relativistic Cosmology
04. Big Bang Cosmology
05. Dark Energy Observed
06. A Dark Energy Model
07. Discussion and Conclusions
08. Space Applet
09. Space Applet Java Listing
📂 * Gravitation Equations
* Gravitation Description and Equations
02. Force & Weight
03. Power, Energy & Gravity
04. Ballistics
05. Orbital Mechanics
06. The Pendulum
📂 * Gravity
Gravity and Energy
📂 * What is Science?
* What is Science?
📂 Gravitation
* Gravitation 3.8 Home Page — Normal Display
Gravitation 3.8 Home Page — Big Display
Gravitation 3.8 Home Page — Small Display
Gravitation Help/Tutorial
📂 Satellite Finder
* Satellite Finder Online (JavaScript)
Satellite Finder Home Page
Satellite Finder Online (PHP)
📂 Solar Computer
* Solar Computer
Sun Calculator
Sun Calculator Help
📂 Why is the Sky Dark at Night?
* Why is the Sky Dark at Night?
02: Some Elementary Physics
03: The Heat Pump
04: The Rubber Band Experiment
05: Olbers' Paradox
06: Red Shift
07: Summary
08. Program Notes
09. The Space Applet
10. Reader Replies to "Why is the Sky Dark at Night?"

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